The 3-in-1 Super Facial Machine from The Online Beauty Warehouse combines groundbreaking concepts in biology, chemistry, and technology within one small capsule, known as the 3 in 1 Super Facial Pods. These innovative capsules store active ingredients in their suspended state, activating only upon reaction with the unique Primer Gel provided with the machine.
By using the 3 in 1 Super Facial Pods with the 3-in-1 Super Facial Machine and Primer Gel, you can achieve three essential benefits: exfoliation, oxygenation, and nourishment. These key benefits provide immediate visible results, which are further amplified by the complementary Serum included in the treatment kit. The serum is specially formulated to complete the benefits of the 3 in 1 Super Facial Pods, delivering essential nutrition to the skin through a synergistic combination of active ingredients.
The Restore 3 in 1 Super Facial Pod is designed to enhance skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and rejuvenate the skin.
The Restore Retinol Treatment utilizes innovative 3 in 1 Super Facial Pods technology, merging breakthrough concepts from biology, chemistry, and technology into a singular capsule.
Contained within the Restore 3 in 1 Super Facial Pods are Red Algae, Retinol, and Ferulic Acid, known for their ability to promote skin rejuvenation and renewal. These powerful ingredients work together to improve skin texture, target signs of aging, and provide deep hydration.
The Restore Serum complements the treatment by incorporating potent anti-aging and hydrating ingredients, along with nourishing nutrients that enhance skin firmness and radiance. This includes moisturizing complexes enriched with oils and botanical extracts that help lock in hydration and boost the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Each pack contains 6 full treatments.